Installing Entrinsic Connect

Installing Entrinsic Connect is easy but it depends entirely on your circumstances and use-case. For example, using the product to provide a simple indoor visitor access control is as simple as setting up an account, downloading the apps, using a suitable device (such as a spare iPhone, iPad or Android device) and hanging it by your entryway. However if you'd like to install outdoors, open gates with a bluetooth relay or other advanced configuration you may prefer to use a partner who will take care of all the details.

Join the thousands of individuals and companies worldwide who are setting up their own Entrinsic Connect systems! To install Entrinsic Connect yourself you can follow our comprehensive installation guide. If you need any help you can contact us to support you.

Alternatively you can find a suitable installation partner. Just type in your country, postcode, name, email and a little bit of information to describe your requirements / set up, and we will put you in touch today!

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